Q I'm a beginner in exercise and don't have much confidence in my physical strength.                Is that okay??

Rest assured. The training programs at First Class Trainers are designed to cater to everyone from athletes to beginners. Initially, we will conduct assessments of your muscle strength, flexibility, and any physical imbalances. This will help us identify your current challenges. Based on this assessment, we will create a simple training and conditioning program tailored to your needs. As you become more accustomed, we will gradually increase the intensity and variety of the exercises.


Q What will be done during the trial session?

The trial session will start with a consultation of about 20 minutes to understand your goals and objectives, explain the training plan and answer various questions. Then, we will spend approximately 30 minutes introducing some actual training exercises. FIRSTCLASSTRAINERS has over 10,000 training exercises and we will select the ones that suit you best for the trial session. There will also be a simple muscle and flexibility check and based on your issues, we will recommend suitable training content.


Q How often should I train to lose weight?

If you want to see results in a short time, we recommend training 2-3 times a week. This allows for optimal results by combining muscle stimulation and rest periods. Depending on individual circumstances, you can expect to lose about 8-10 kg in 2-3 months. Additionally, although the results are slower, we also offer plans based on your lifestyle that include training once a week or twice a month, which can also ensure effective weight loss.


Q Is the entire 60 minutes spent training?

FIRSTCLASSTRAINERS plans are tailored to each individual, so the schedule varies. Some people focus mainly on training, while others spend more time on conditioning (such as stretching). ※For a 60-minute session, 5 minutes before and after are reserved for changing clothes and scheduling the next session.


Q I have shoulder and back pain, as well as lower back pain. Can I still train?

First, we will assess your current condition and if necessary, we will recommend consulting a professional doctor. If the symptoms are chronic and there are no skeletal or nerve abnormalities, training and conditioning might help improve the situation, so we recommend regular exercise. In most cases, poor posture and decreased muscle strength are the main causes and improvement can be felt after just a few training sessions. The programs used by FIRSTCLASSTRAINERS are designed to minimize the risk of injury, so you can train safely even with shoulder, back or lower back pain. Additionally, we offer body care programs. Please consult your trainer for more details.


Q Is there guidance on diet?

Whether you want to lose weight or improve performance, controlling your diet is very important. FIRSTCLASSTRAINERS provides dietary advice through your personal trainer. We do not recommend strict dietary restrictions, but rather offer reasonable and effective diet plans based on your lifestyle.


Q I am a woman. Will I get very muscular from training?

To significantly increase muscle size, targeted training and dietary control are required and muscle growth mechanisms are heavily influenced by male hormones. For women, muscles generally do not become "bulky" unless they engage in specialized and high-frequency training. However, some women are more prone to muscle growth. For those who do not want to become too muscular, we recommend avoiding exercises that lead to significant muscle increase.


Q What kind of people come here for training?

Our clients range in age from 20 to 70 years old, but we also have a 16-year-old aspiring professional baseball player and a 93-year-old training for health reasons. The gender ratio is 40% male and 60% female. Our clients include office workers, business professionals, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, fitness trainers, and athletes. We also offer children's English fitness classes, so our clients range from as young as 2 to as old as 93.

Click here for customer reviews. 


Q What kind of clothing should I wear for training?

Any comfortable sportswear is suitable. Our training area is covered with artificial turf and we usually train barefoot to enhance movement functionality, so there's no need for shoes. Please bring a towel to wipe off sweat (we recommend wearing shoes in the equipment area).


Q Can I bring my child with me?

Yes, you can. Although we do not have a designated children's play area (except at the Nara Omiyachō branch), you can bring your child during one-on-one training sessions and group personal training sessions. To ensure your child's safety, parents need to provide adequate supervision and attention.


Q Can I reschedule my appointment?

In principle, rescheduling is free up to the day before the appointment (cancellations on the day will incur a 100% fee). Since some gyms are difficult to book, please make your reservations 1-3 months in advance. For more details, please consult your trainer.


Q Is there a cancellation fee?

Cancellations made up to the day before the appointment are free of charge, but cancellations on the appointment day will incur the full fee.


Q Where are the gyms located?

FIRSTCLASSTRAINERS has 55 gyms in the Kansai region. You can choose a gym that is close to your home or workplace. Please consult with your trainer to select a convenient gym.

Click here for a list of FIRSTCLASSTRAINERS gyms.


Q What should I do if I don't know how to choose a personal trainer?

When you contact us, we will ask about your needs and recommend a suitable trainer. If you have no specific requirements, please indicate "no preference" when applying.

Click here to apply for a trial lesson.


Q Can I change my trainer?

The compatibility between a trainer and a client is very important in personal training. To achieve your goals, the trainer's skills, communication ability, advice and service are all crucial. Please provide your feedback and we will select the most suitable trainer for you.

Direct line to the office: 0120-89-4615 (toll-free) 


Q How do I pay for the course fees?

Membership fees and per-session payments can be made by cash, credit card, PayPal (online payment) and PayPay (QR code payment). The fees for session ticket plans like "Body Shaping 11", "Body Shaping 36" and "Long-term Smart Sharing" need to be paid via bank transfer. For details, please consult the office or your trainer.

Click here for information on fees.