How was the trial session?

  1. It was my first time experiencing personal training and the trainer attentively listened to my needs, making me feel comfortable and naturally ease into the training. The entire process went very smoothly. Furthermore, by adjusting my body position, I felt different loads that are hard to notice when exercising alone, so the trainer's objective guidance is essential. I will do my best to keep up with the training    and I look forward to ongoing guidance.

  2. I showed up without much preparation and struggled to answer the trainer's questions about my fitness plan. However, the trainer helped me identify several issues    and I decided to fully commit to this training and work hard to change myself. I realized that all I needed was an opportunity to make a change. I’m determined to make the most of this chance    and look forward to ongoing guidance in the future.
  3. Although it was just a trial, the training was quite tough, but the trainer explained everything in great detail. I look forward to continuing with it.
  4. The trainer explained in detail the importance of choosing appropriate exercises based on age. I used to be quite confused, but now I finally understand. I hope to continue receiving professional guidance. As I was so focused and enjoyed it, the training sessions flew by quickly.

  5. It's great to learn about various training methods and related information. Since the training is tailored to my exercise experience and fitness level, I feel that I can stick with it long-term without getting bored.
  6. I've learned the correct postures to maintain in daily life. The trainer also gave me advice on improving my diet. I feel that I can change my body not just through exercise, but overall. I’m really looking forward to it.

  7. After just a brief session, the trainer pointed out my posture issues    and weaknesses, which was quite surprising. Although I participated in club activities    and did muscle training during college, no one had ever observed me so closely. This experience was very enlightening. I'm looking forward to the upcoming sessions. Thank you.
  8. The trainer's explanations were very detailed    and clear. The detailed consultation    and the 30-minute training session were very fulfilling    and enjoyable. I wanted to join right away. Training with friends feels very motivating. With the trainer's detailed guidance    and high-intensity training, I believe it will definitely yield results. I feel confident it will be effective! I'm eager to take on the challenge!
  9. At the beginning, the trainer first understood my goals    and then designed the training sessions accordingly. Although the training was tough, I felt very happy! Thank you.
  10. This was my first training in a long time    and I realized my body was stiffer than I expected    and that I had gained a lot of weight. The training was very tough, but I am determined to transform my body. Please keep pushing me hard and give me some dietary advice as well.
  11. It was a very enjoyable trial session. The trainer was great, the conversation was pleasant and the time flew by. I'm looking forward to future training sessions.
  12. Each exercise was very tough and I realized my lack of muscle strength. Although it was hard, I really enjoyed the workout. Thank you!
  13. Although it was tough, I felt very happy throughout!

    Unlike regular gym workouts, it was very invigorating    and interesting.

    The indoor decor is as clean as a lawn and the atmosphere is relaxed    and very comfortable.

  14. Just from a single trial session, I felt the muscle workout, with no unnecessary movements. The professional guidance was very efficient and I believe it will yield results. So, I have decided to continue working hard and stick with it.
  15. During the trial session, I was able to consciously train different parts of my body. I think it was great to participate in this trial class. The suggested amount of exercise was moderate and I feel it suited my body well.
  16. Through the trial session, I learned how to use my strength correctly and maintain proper posture. It was very rewarding. I could also bring my children to the session and the trainer was very friendly to them. I'm very grateful. In the future, I want to continue training according to my schedule.
  17. During the trial session, I learned how to use my strength correctly and maintain proper posture, which was very rewarding. I was also able to bring my children to the session and the trainer was very friendly with them. I'm very grateful   and I plan to continue training according to my own schedule.
  18. It was my first time at the gym and I was really nervous. The workout was tougher than I expected and I struggled to keep up. However, I realized just how much my body had declined and knew I needed to work hard. The next day, even though I was sore all over, I felt great. The gym is a bit far from my place, so I need to consider the distance, but overall, it was an excellent experience. Thank you.
  19. It was my first time experiencing a personal training session. Although it was tough, the one-on-one guidance from the trainer taught me a lot and was very interesting. By the time I got home, my legs were so weak that it was hard to go up and down the stairs, but this shows how effective the training was. I heard there will be a new branch opening in Umeda, so I plan to continue my training there.
  20. Since it was a trial session, the trainer arranged an easy workout for me. I’ve been to other gyms before, but I find this personal trainer’s sessions to be very challenging. It was harder than I expected, but because I was focused and enjoyed it, the time flew by. I’m really looking forward to the upcoming sessions.
  21. The training atmosphere is fun and engaging. I look forward to ongoing professional guidance.
  22. I am very satisfied. I hope to come for training as often as possible in the future.
  23. I am very satisfied. I would like to come for training as often as possible in the future.
  24. The course tailored to my physical condition was very appropriate. I have always felt the impact of work on my body, and this trial session made me clearly aware of my issues. Therefore, I have decided to change my bad habits through training.

  25. The course used various equipment and with the professional guidance and supervision of the trainers, it was more rewarding than practicing on my own.
  26. I have tried other private gyms but the one-hour session here is the most fulfilling.
  27. I feel like I can keep going here. The trainer carefully listened to my goals. Having a good number of female personal trainers makes me feel comfortable.
  28. Hearing phrases like "You can do it! Keep going!" makes me feel like I can actually achieve it (laughs). Although these are simple words, it's easy to give up when training alone, so I think one-on-one training suits me better. The trainer also gave advice on diet management and was very approachable. The trial session was really enjoyable.
  29. Even though I can only come once a month, I can see results as long as I practice the training at home. The trainer is very friendly and the environment is great.

    Since I had many questions to ask, it was great that they scheduled generous consultation time right from the beginning.

    From the zero beginning to change my body needs patience and resilience, but under trainer’s guidance, I believe I can do it.

    I want to acquire knowledge on fitness and make the most of the valuable training time.

  30. Although I go to the gym, there are some exercises (like using heavier equipment) that I would never try on my own, but the trainer motivated me to give them a try. The sessions are fun and sometimes challenging with comprehensive contents. I hope to join with friends in the future.
  31. I have always been interested in personal training, but I was worried about keeping up because I'm not very good at sports. This time, I decisively tried a trial session and found it very interesting. Although my body is quite stiff and some movements were difficult, I felt very refreshed after exercising. Additionally, I received dietary advice, which helps me become healthy from the inside out. I am determined to work hard and achieve a healthy body.

  32. The trainer carefully listened to my needs and provided advice, making the experience very positive. I was a bit nervous during my first training session, but it was very enjoyable. Training barefoot was also great. I hope to achieve my goals in the future. Thank you for the pleasant time.

  33. Although I regularly go to the gym, I don't know how to use some equipment and can't distinguish between professional trainers and part-time student trainers, so I never sought help. This time, I boldly tried a trial session at FCT and my biggest impression was that it was "very interesting!"
  34. Under the trainer's guidance, I checked my muscles and posture in the mirror during the workout and I felt that I was exercising efficiently. I hope to keep up the effort.
  35. I have always wanted to change my thin and weak appearance, but I didn't know how to do it. Today's experience made me feel that even someone like me, who gets bored easily, can stick with it here.

  36. The new exercises made me enjoy working out. The explanations were clear, leaving no room for anxiety and I was able to focus on the training. During the trial, the trainer also provided advice on lifestyle habits and diet, which was very informative. The detailed training methods were excellent. At first, I was worried about the limited equipment, but after learning many training methods, I am now very excited about the future sessions. The trainer's detailed explanations boosted my motivation.

  37. The trial session allows bringing children, which is great. I can continue training like this in the future.

  38. It was very interesting and not as tough as I imagined. I feel that I can happily continue in the future.
  39. It was my first time trying TRX, and it felt very new and interesting. Coach Jun has a wealth of knowledge and experience and I learned a lot.

  40. I decided from the beginning to participate long-term and have no complaints at all. I learned the importance of maintaining fitness awareness in daily life. However, the value of such intangible services requires more evaluation, such as the comfort of the service, immediate effectiveness, and so on. Additionally, since everyone has different living conditions, spending more time on initial assessments might be better. Nevertheless, t However, the way we wrapped up the session was great! Sorry if this sounds a bit presumptuous.